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Michael, Mark; Vogel, Frank; Peters, Bernhard
DEM - FEM Coupling Simulations of the Interactions between a Tire Tread and Granular Terrain
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 2015.

Tanner, G.; Chappell, D.; Löchel, D.; Søndergaard, N.
Discrete Flow Mapping - A Mesh Based Simulation Tool for Mid-to-High Frequency Vibro-Acoustic Excitation of Complex Automotive Structures
SAE Int. J. Passeng. Cars - Mech. Syst. 7(3):2014, doi:10.4271/2014-01-2079.

Chappell, D.; Löchel, D.; Søndergaard, N.; Tanner, G.
Dynamical energy analysis on mesh grids: A new tool for describing the vibro-acoustic response of complex mechanical structures
Wave Motion, 2014, 51 (4), 589-597

Edward T. Dougherty, James C. Turner, and Frank Vogel
Multiscale Coupling of Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation to Neuron Electrodynamics: Modeling the Influence of the Transcranial Electric Field on Neuronal Depolarization
Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine, Vol. 2014, Article ID 360179, 14 pages, 2014. doi:10.1155/2014/360179

Mahmoudi, Amir Houshang; Hoffmann, Florian; Peters, Bernhard
Detailed numerical modeling of pyrolysis in a heterogeneous packed bed using XDEM
Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis (2014), 106

Mahmoudi, Amir Houshang; Hoffmann, Florian; Peters, Bernhard
Application of XDEM as a novel approach to predict drying of a packed bed
International Journal of Thermal Sciences (2014), 75

Michael, Mark; Vogel, Frank; Peters, Bernhard
XDEM - FEM Coupling Simulations of the Interactions between a Tire Tread and Granular Terrain
E-print/Working paper (2014)

Md Naim Hossain, Frank Vogel, Daniel Alves Paladim, Vinh Phu Nguyen, Stéphane P. A. Bordas
Implementation of an isogeometric finite element toolbox in Diffpack
11th World Congress on Computational Mechanics (2014)

Md Naim Hossain, Daniel Alves Paladim, Frank Vogel, Stéphane P. A. Bordas
Implementation of a XFEM toolbox in Diffpack
International Conference on Extended Finite Element Methods - XFEM 2013

David J. Chappell, Gregor Tanner, Dominik Löchel and Niels Søndergaard
Discrete flow mapping: transport of phase space densiteis on triangulated surfaces
Proc. R. Soc. A 2013 469, 20130153

David J. Chappell, Gregor Tanner
Solving the stationary Liouville equation via a boundary element method
Journal of Computational Physics 234 (2013) 487-498

Michael, Mark; Peters, Bernhard; Vogel, Frank
An Efficient 3D FEM - DEM Coupling for Granular Matter Applications
Coupled MBS-FE Applications: A New Trend in Simulation (2013, November)

Michael, Mark; Peters, Bernhard; Vogel, Frank
Simulation des Traktionsverhaltens von Reifen auf granularem Untergrund durch eine Kopplung zwischen der Finiten (FEM) und der Diskreten Element Methode (DEM)
VDI-Berichte "Reifen-Fahrwerk-Fahrbahn" (2013, October)

Hoffmann, Florian; Peters, Bernhard
Extended Discrete Element Method (XDEM) to Model Heterogeneous Reactions in Packed Beds
PARTEC - International Congress on Particle Technology (2013, April)

Estupinan Donoso, Alvaro Antonio; Hoffmann, Florian; Peters, Bernhard
eXtended Discrete Element Method used for convective heat transfer predictions
International Review of Mechanical Engineering (2013), 7(2), 329-336

Peters, Bernhard; Besseron, Xavier; Dziugys, Algis; Estupinan Donoso, Alvaro Antonio; Hoffmann, Florian; Michael, Mark; Mahmoudi, Amir Houshang; Vogel, Frank
Application of the Extended Discrete Element Method (XDEM) in Computer-Aided Process Engineering
Scientific Conference (2013)

Tanner, G., Chappel, D.J., Löchel, D., Søndergaard, N. and Vogel, F.
Dynamical energy analysis on FEM grids - a new tool for describing the vibro-acoustic response of car-body parts
SIMVEC 2012 - Berechnung, Simulation und Erprobung im Fahrzeugbau, Kongresshaus Baden-Baden, Baden-Baden, Germany, 20-21 November 2012

Peters B., Vogel F.
Simulation der Wechselwirkung zwischen Reifen und Untergrund durch eine Kopplung zwischen der Finite Element (FEM) und der Discrete Element Methode (DEM)
VDI Berichte; 2169; 549-560, SIMVEC 2012 - Berechnung, Simulation und Erprobung im Fahrzeugbau, Kongresshaus Baden-Baden, Baden-Baden, Germany, 20-21 November 2012

Michael, Mark; Peters, Bernhard; Vogel, Frank
Resolution of Different Length Scales by an Efficient Combination of the Finite Element Method and the Discrete Element Method
Topping, B.H.V. (Ed.) Proceedings of the Eleventh International Conference on Computational Structures Technology (2012)

David J. Chappell, Gregor Tanner, Stefano Giani
Boundary element dynamical energy analysis: A versatile method for solving two or three dimensional wave problems in the high frequency limit
Journal of Computational Physics 231 (2012) 6181-6191

D. J. Chappell, S. Giani, and G. Tanner
Dynamical energy analysis for built-up acoustic systems at high frequencies
Acoustical Society of America 130 (3), 1420-1429 (2011)

Dmitrii N. Maksimov and Gregor Tanner
A hybrid approach for predicting the distribution of vibro-acoustic energy in complex built-up structures
Acoustical Society of America 130 (3), 1337-1347 (2011)

Gregor Tanner, David Chappell, Hanya Ben Hamdin, Stefano Giani, Cathleen Seidel, Frank Vogel
Acoustic energy distribution inmulti-component structures - Dynamical Energy Analysis versus numerically exact results
Paper von der ISMA Konferenz in Leuven (Belgien)

Gregor Tanner
Dynamical energy analysis - Determining wave energy distributions invibro-acoustical structures in the high-frequency regime
Journal of Sound and Vibration 320 (2009) 1023-1038

Florian Loos
Eine direkte Methode für Optimalsteuerungsprobleme mit parabolischen Differentialgleichungen
Diplomarbeit 23.12.2008, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik, Physik und Informatik, Mathematisches Institut.

Sebastian Peetz
Umsetzung der Modalanalyse für das Entwicklungspaket Diffpack
Diplomarbeit 02.12.2008, Universität Bayreuth, Fachbereich Mathematik.

Anton Lastei
Machtindizes - Optimierung von Stimmgewichten
Diplomarbeit 30.09.2008, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik, Physik und Informatik, Mathematisches Institut.

Stefan Trenz
Modellprädiktive Regelung für nichtlineare evolutionäre partielle Differentialgleichungen
Diplomarbeit 30.09.2008, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik, Physik und Informatik, Mathematisches Institut.

Melanie Jahny
Numerische Lösung nichtlinearer Balkengleichungen mit dem Finite Elemente Software-Programm Diffpack
Diplomarbeit 27.02.2008, Universität Augsburg, Institut für Mathematik.

Sebastian Götschel
Parameteridentifizierung bei parabolischen partiellen Differentialgleichungen mittels Optimaler Steuerung
Diplomarbeit 11.01.2008, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik und Physik, Mathematisches Institut.

Ekue-sse Situ Tomety
Konjugierte Gradientenverfahren zur Lösung von Problemen mit semi-linearen elliptischen Differentialgleichungen
Diplomarbeit 23.01.2007, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik und Physik, Mathematisches Institut.

P. Böhm. R. Holdahl, T. Kvamsdal
Vista: A Multi-field Object Oriented CFD-package
NAFEMS CFD-Seminar 2006.

Cathleen Seidel
Einsatz eines Verfahrens der nichtlinearen Optimierung in der technischen Simulation
Diplomarbeit 31.03.2006, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik und Physik, Mathematisches Institut.

Tobias Wittner
Finite-Elemente-Modellierung von Weichgewebe im Halswirbelsäulenbereich
Diplomarbeit 31.05.2005, Universität Karlsruhe (TH), Institut für Technische Informatik.

Hermann Landes, Wigand Rathmann, Frank Vogel
Combination of Simulation and Optimization in the Design of Electromechanical Systems
NAFEMS Seminar 2005.

Peter Böhm, Wigand Rathmann
Diffpack Workshop:
Diffpack - Introduction and Philosophy,
Diffpack - Main Steps Developing Your own Simulator,
Diffpack - Easy Use of Advanced Numerical Technologies,
Diffpack - Complementary Use of Main-Stream Analysis

23. CADFEM Users` Meeting, Bonn, 09. - 11. November 2005.

P. Dietz, M. Kaltenbacher, A. Krug, H. Landes, M. Rausch, W. Rathmann, F. Vogel
Numerical Modelling and Design Optimisation of Clinical MRI Scanners
CAD-FEM Users" Meeting 2005.

Peter Böhm
Finite Element Analysis of Voltage- and Current-Driven Transient Skin Effect Problems
CAD-FEM Users`Meeting 2005.

Peter Böhm, Hermann Landes, Frank Vogel
Rapid Algorithm development for voltage driven coils using Diffpack and CAPA
CAD-FEM Users" Meeting 2005.

Peter Böhm, Frank Vogel
Diffpack - A Flexible Development Framework for the Numerical Modeling and Solution of Partial Differential Equations
Minisymposium on "Numerical Software for PDEs", EQUADIFF 11, July 25th, Bratislava, 2005.

Eldad Louw
Numerische Lösung des Systems der nicht-idealen Magnetohydrodynamik mit dem Discontinuous Galerkin Verfahren
Diplomarbeit September 2004, Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg, Abteilung für Angewandte Mathematik.

Hermann Landes, Wigand Rathmann, Frank Vogel
Numerical Optimization of Time-dependent Electromechanical Systems
CAD-FEM Users" Meeting 2004.

M. Kaltenbacher, H. Landes, R. Lerch, R. Peipp, F. Vogel
Numerical Simulation and Optimization of Capacitive Transducers
EuroSime 2003.

M. Kaltenbacher, H. Landes, W. Rathmann, F. Vogel
Calculation of Sound Fields in Flowing Media Using CAPA and Diffpack
CAD-FEM Users´ Meeting 2003.

F. Vogel, H. Landes, R. Lerch, M. Kaltenbacher, R. Peipp
Numerical Simulation and Optimization of Capacitive Transducers
Proceedings of the 4th International Conference EuroSimE 2003, March 30th - April 2nd, Aix-en-Provence, France, 2003.

D. Ostergaard, E. Antonova, J. Mehner, F. Vogel
Dynamic Macromodeling of Electrostatic Actuated MEMS Structures
Proceedings 20. CAD-FEM Users' Meeting 2002, Vol. 1 Sec. 1.6.1, 2002.

M. Grosspietsch, F. Vogel
Lösung von Mehrkörpersystemen mit MathCad am Beispiel eines dynamischen, nichtlinearen Truckmodells
Proceedings 20. CAD-FEM Users' Meeting 2002, Vol. 1 Sec. 1.9.2, 2002.

F. Vogel, M. Kocvara, M. Stingl
Free Material Optimization - Designing Fiber-Reinforced Composite Materials
Proceedings 20. CAD-FEM Users' Meeting 2002, Vol. 2 Sec. 2.6.5, 2002.

W. Rathmann, F. Vogel
Integration of Diffpack with FEM Application
Proceedings 20. CAD-FEM Users' Meeting 2002, Vol. 2 Sec. 2.16.3, 2002.

W. Rathmann, F. Vogel, St. Ritter
Free Form Shape Shell Optimization
Proceedings 19. CAD-FEM Users' Meeting 2001 Vol. 2 Sec. 2.1.5, CAD-FEM GmbH Grafing, 2001, 12 pages.

G. Leugering, W. Rathmann
On Modelling, Analysis and Simulation of Optimal Control Problems of Euler-Bernoulli- and Rayleigh-Beams
Control of Nonlinear Distributed Parameter Systems, (G. Chen, I. Lasiecka, J. Zhou, edts.), Lecture Notes in Pure and Applied Mathematics Series, vol. 218, Marcel Dekker Inc, New York, 2001.

M. Gfrörer, I. Scholz, F. Vogel
Minimierung der Lenkraddrehbeschleunigungsamplituden durch Mehrkörpersimulation und Parameteroptimierung.
Proceedings of the Haus der Technik Conference on "Driveability", Haus der Technik, Essen, 26. Juni 2001

F. Vogel, H. Mebus, G. Müller
Layout and Thickness Optimization of Tailored Blank Designs with Application in the Automotive Industry.
Trends in Computational Structural Mechanics, CIMNE, Barcelona, Spain 2001

W. Rathmann
Modellierung, Simulation und Steuerung von Netzwerken schwingender Balken mittels dynamischer Bereichszerlegung.
University of Bayreuth, Bayreuther Mathematische Schriften vol. 60, ISSN 0172-1062, 2000

Zillober, Ch.; Vogel, F.
Adaptive strategies for large scale optimization problems in mechanical engineering.
Proceedings of the 2000 WSES International Conference on Applied and Theoretical Mathematics, Vravrona, Griechenland, 1.-3. Dezember 2000, pp. 1931-1936 (CD-ROM).

Zillober, Ch.; Vogel, F.
Solving large scale structural optimization problems.
Proceedings of the 2nd ASMO UK/ISSMO conference on Engineering Design Optimization, Swansea, July 10-11, 2000, edited by J. Sienz, pp. 273-280, 2000.

Zillober, Ch., Vogel, F.
Adaptive strategies for large scale optimization problems in mechanical engineering.
Recent Advances in Applied and Theoretical Mathematics, edited by N. Mastorakis, World Scientific and Engineering Society Press, pp. 156-161, 2000.

F. Vogel
Implementation of the ANSYS Topology Optimizer
Seminar on Computer Aided Topology Optimization, Research Center Schloss Thurnau, 2000

F. Vogel
Topology Optimization with ANSYS.
FEM-Workshop, University of ULM, 1999

F. Vogel
Performance Improvement of the Shell Optimizer POPT for ANSYS Rev. 5.5
CAD-FEM Users Meeting Proceedings, 1999

J. Birk. M. Liepelt, K. Schittkowski, F. Vogel
Computation of optimal feed rates and operation intervals for turbular reactor
Journal of Process Control, Vol. 9, 325-336 (1998)

F. Vogel, G. Mueller
POPT 1.0 BETA - A New Shell Optimization Add-On Module for ANSYS Rev. 5.4
ANSYS Conference Proceedings, 1998

F. Vogel, C Benecke
VERSA (Verbesserung und Beschleunigung von Loesungsverfahren fuer Versagensanalysen in der Strukturmechanik)
Abschlussbericht fuer das vom BMBF gefoerderte Vorhaben 01 IR 413 A3, 1997

F. Vogel, K Schittkowski
Dynamische Echtzeitoptimierung chemischer Reaktoren
Arbeitsbericht im Rahmen des DFG-Schwerpunktprogramms "Echtzeitoptimierung grosser Systeme", 1997

F. Vogel
Topology Optimization of linear-elastic structures
NAFEMS Conference on Topology Optimization, 1997

F. Vogel
Sizing and Topology Optimization with ANSYS 5.4
CAD-FEM Users Meeting, 1997

F. Vogel
Response Surface Methodology - API-Description
Users Manual of a Response Surface Module, 1996

F. Vogel, G. Mueller
Explicit Analysis with ANSYS and LS-DYNA
ANSYS Conference Proceedings, 1995

F. Vogel
Topology Optimization - API Description
Users Manual of a standalone Topology Optimization Module, 1995

F. Vogel
Structural Optimization with ANSYS and Incorporation of a SQP Method
CAD-FEM Users Meeting, 1992

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